Uniendo pasos

Ntamo Perfomance



27th of July


55 minutes

Uniendo pasos

The urban dance style known as breaking or breakdancing, which originated in the United States in the 1960s, is deeply rooted in hip-hop culture. Characterised by its acrobatic movements, stylised footwork and the crucial role played by the DJ and the MC during battles, breaking made its Olympic debut at the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires. Such was its success that the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics will introduce breaking to the Olympic programme as a new sport.

Before the b-boys and b-girls of the Spanish national breaking team travel to Paris to take part in the competition, they’ll be visiting the Veranos de la Villa Festival with Putting Steps Together (Uniendo pasos), organised by the Samaranch Foundation and the Ningbo Sports Office, in collaboration with the Chinese Sports Dance Federation and the Chinese Cultural Centre in Madrid.

This show, the result of a series of workshops held a few days earlier, will present talented Chinese and Spanish breakdancers who will use their skills to demonstrate that the universal language of dance can transcend borders and unite people from different backgrounds. Combining agile and precise movements inspired by traditional Chinese dance with the passion and infectious rhythms of Spanish flamenco, Putting Steps Together (Uniendo pasos) will offer a unique visual and aural experience that will leave the audience amazed and enthralled.

Organised by: Samaranch Foundation and the Ningbo Sports Office

In collaboration with the Chinese Sports Dance Federation and the Chinese Cultural Centre in Madrid





27th of July


55 minutes

Accessibility type

Centro Deportivo Municipal Marqués de Samaranch


Place of employment information:

  • Telephone: 914 220 344 - Taquilla 913 541 514
  • Contact us


  • Metro: Puerta de Toledo , Pirámides.
  • Bus: 17, 36, 41, C, 62.
  • Renfe: Pirámides.
  • Bicicleta: el centro dispone de aparca bicicletas exterior con capacidad para 5 bicicletas.
Imagen Centro Deportivo Municipal Marqués de Samaranch}
