Discover "Culture is Cool" with SO-LA-NA Entertainment

We are proud to announce that SO-LA-NA Entertainment will be sponsoring this series of excellent flamenco “micro-shows”. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience the passion and art of flamenco through a series of unique performances unaccompanied guitarists, singers accompanied by a guitarist and dancers accompanied by a guitarist or another instrument. 

SO-LA-NA’s sponsorship of the Culture is Cool programme not only supports the preservation and dissemination of this universal art form, but also serves to strengthen its commitment to the local community and its cultural development, making this art accessible and free to all.  It also helps to ensure that it can be appreciated by a wider audience from both Spain and abroad. Declared part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, flamenco is a universal art form that reflects the very essence of Spain, and this summer is the perfect opportunity to enjoy it in all its splendour.


About us

SO-LA-NA Entertainment has more than 12 years of experience in creating exclusive shows and is a benchmark in the world of flamenco. By the end of 2024, we will have staged more than 450 shows in 15 countries across the five continents, and more than 100 in Spain’s most prestigious theatres. We are dedicated to celebrating and promoting Spain’s artistic wealth, paying homage to its land, tradition and innovation through fashion, gastronomy and art.


Discover “Friends of Solana"

"Friends of Solana" is our brand that pays tribute to Spain’s artistic wealth, land, tradition and innovation. We are proud to offer products and services that reflect the quality, beauty and emotion so deeply rooted in our heritage, to those who appreciate the authentic and wish to explore the extraordinary.

Through the generations, the history of the Solana family has shaped our commitment to passion, creativity and tradition. Under the "Friends of Solana" seal, every detail is a conscious tribute to excellence. From the passion of flamenco to the expressive painting of Francisco Solana or the Solana Fashion brand, each element reflects a legacy that has been handed down with great care over the years.

Today, "Friends of Solana" is not just a brand, it’s a meeting point for lovers of Spain and all that it implies: sun, flamenco, wine, olive oil, fashion, art, in short: life itself.


Join Us

We invite you to join us in this celebration of Spanish culture. "Culture is Cool" is not only an opportunity to enjoy free flamenco shows, but also an opportunity to connect with the essence of Spain through "Friends of Solana". Find out more at and enjoy a unique experience in Madrid this summer.

So don’t forget, culture is cool! Let the magic and passion of flamenco and Spanish traditions sweep you away. We’re looking forward to seeing you!