Los enredos de Scapin




From 14th of August to 15th of August


1 hour and 45 minutes


Los enredos de Scapin

Theatre opens the programme at the well-known San Isidro Secondary School, the oldest in the country, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the genius Jean Baptiste Poquelin, Molière, (1622-2022) with Scapin the Schemer (Los enredos de Scapin).

Scapin, the devious scoundrel played by Molière himself in days gone by, pulls the strings of all his characters and solves all their intrigues, moving smoothly between rich and poor, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, servants and maids. A born manipulator, no doubt, yet his kindness to the weak, his unreserved devotion, his love of individual freedom and the right to choose, are nothing short of surprising.

Inspired by Italian commedia dell'arte and full of sudden twists and turns, this version of the farce is presented by Morboria, the well-known, independent Madrid-based theatre company that has been treading the boards for more than three decades. The play, by far the best possible showcase of comic resources, brings together the popular traditions of Renaissance, Baroque and contemporary theatre.

A collection of comic situations designed to amuse the audience, using all the dramatic effects and stage disciplines known to mankind: fencing, fights, slapstick, repetition, wacky dialogues, caricatures and above all lots of fun and games and a frenetic rhythm.

A Morboria production



Scapin, Léandre’s valet: Fernando Aguado

Octave, son of Argante and lover of Hyacinthe: Daniel Miguelañez

Léandre, son of Géronte and lover of Zerbinette: Paul Hernández

Argante, mother of Octave and of Zerbinette: Eva del Palacio

Géronte, father of Léandre and of Hyacinthe: Vicente Aguado
Hyacinthe, daughter of Géronte and lover of Octave: Luna Aguado

Zerbinette, the Egyptian lover of Léandre: Virginia Sánchez

Silvestre, Octave's valet: Ana Belén Serrano

Nérine, Hyacinthe's wet nurse: Trajano del Palacio

Carle, a cunning knave: Trajano del Palacio

Musician, keyboards and strings: Miguel Barón

Translation, version and direction Eva del Palacio

Stage space: Fernando Aguado and Eva del Palacio

Set design produced by: Artefacto

Landscapes painted by: José Luis del Palacio

Props created by: Ana del Palacio and Fernando Aguado

Original music: Miguel Barón and Nino Rota

Lighting design: Guillermo Erice

Light and sound: Sonicine

Soundtrack: Paco Sánchez

Administration: Javier Puyol-Gesteatral

Graphic design: Ana del Palacio

Costume design: Ana del Palacio, Fernando Aguado ́and Eva del Palacio

Characterisation and masks: Fernando Aguado, Alvaro Aguado and Ana del Palacio

Back office: Ana del Palacio



From 14th of August to 15th of August


1 hour and 45 minutes


Accessibility type

Instituto de Educación Secundaria (IES) San Isidro


Place of employment information:


METRO: La Latina , Tirso de Molina BUS: 6 , 17 , 18 , 23 , 26 , 31 , 50 , 65

Distrito Centro