Tea Ceremony

Eiko Kishi



1st of August


1 hour

Adults and children over 15 years of age

Tea Ceremony

The tea ceremony is one of the traditional ceremonies that best reflects the spirit and philosophy of Japanese culture. Tea was first introduced into Japan from Asia by Zen monks, who used it as an aid to meditation and study. Despite its humble origins, tea maestros created a procedure for taking tea not only as a way of life, but also a complete art of great aesthetic beauty and spirituality, with a philosophy based on four basic pillars developed by the great maestro Senno-Rikyu: wa (harmony), kei (respect), sei (purity), jaku (serenity). In this activity, Maestra Eiko Kishi and her assistants, dressed in kimonos, will demonstrate and explain the meaning of a traditional Tea Ceremony.

Eiko Kishi holds a BA in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Psychology. She teaches at the Misho-ryu School in Ikebana. She also performs other traditional Japanese artistic activities such as the Tea Ceremony, Kimono, Origami and Calligraphy demonstrations, and Koto (a Japanese musical instrument) performances. She is one of the founders of the Spanish Ikebana Association and of the Ikebana International Spain Castellana Chapter. In October 2016, she was awarded the Distinction of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Her extensive career stands as a testament to her tireless efforts to promote traditional Japanese culture in its myriad artistic manifestations. 

Organised by: Casa Asia



1st of August


1 hour

Adults and children over 15 years of age

Accessibility type

Espacio Cultural Serrería Belga


Place of employment information:


  • Metro: Estación del Arte (línea 1).
  • Bus: 6, 10, 14, 19, 26, 27, 32, 34, 37, 45
  • Cercanías Renfe: Atocha (líneas C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, y C10).
  • Bicimad: Estaciones 67 (calle Almadén 28), 27 (calle Jesús, 1), 68 (calle Espalter, 1).

Distrito Centro