During the summer months, Reina Sofía Museum offers visitors the opportunity to see both its permanent collection and its temporary exhibitions at all of its locations. No visit to the Permanent Collection would be complete without seeing  Picasso’s iconic Guernica and works by such outstanding artists as Ángeles Santos, Salvador Dalí, Maruja Mallo, Maria Blanchard, Joan Miró, Cristina Iglesias, Ouka Leele, Richard Serra, Esther Ferrer, Wifredo Lam and Sonia Delaunay, among others.

If you're planning to visit one of the temporary exhibitions, don’t miss the one dedicated to the famous contemporary artist Eva Lootz (Vienna, 1940). The exhibition, which is open until 2 September, spans fifty year’s of the work of this artist who has had such an impact on the Spanish art scene. Five decades of thinking and experimenting with matter, language and the issues that concern her most: the environment, feminism and human intervention on nature, among others.

Meanwhile, straight from the Pirelli HangarBicocca in Milan, the Velázquez Palace in the Retiro is the venue for the James Lee Byars. Perfect is the Question  exhibition, which brings together an important number of works by the American artist James Lee Byars (Detroit, 1932 - El Cairo, 1997), one of the most striking conceptual and performance artists of the second half of the 20th century.

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