

12 to 18 August 2024

<span lang="ja" xml:lang="ja">目</span>[mé]

Locations and times may vary depending on the weather at any given time.

目[mé] is a Japanese collective project with three main members: artist Haruka Kojin, director Kenji Minamigawa and head of production Hirofumi Masui, who is primarily responsible for materialising the respective concepts of their artworks, which manipulate our perception of the physical world. Their installations create an awareness of the lack of reliability and the doubt inherent in the world around us.

The group will be taking advantage of the Veranos de la Villa Festival to use the city of Madrid as the setting for an unexpected project that local residents and visitors to the city will discover in due time.

Locations and times will be confirmed on the Veranos de la Villa Festival social networks.

Organised by: The Japan Foundation



Project creator: 目[mé]


12 to 18 August 2024