Pepitos Brothers
10th of August
1 hour and 50 minutes

LOVE LOVE LOVE is a fabulous musical and theatrical show, presented by Jose Corbacho and Ramon Gener. A journey through the greatest hits of both classical and modern music that really gets the audience going - they have such a good time that they end up singing and dancing. A show full of light and colour. A total experience.
When you have 30 musicians on stage - a symphony orchestra, a rock band and three brilliant singers - you need a couple of MCs with just the right chemistry to lead them. And tonight we have the perfect “odd couple” to do just that, Jose Corbacho and Ramon Gener! With their lively sense of humour, our MCs will tell stories about the different stages of a romantic relationship. They’ll talk about falling in love, passion, impossible love and everlasting love, couples, threesomes...
And meanwhile, we’ll hear incredible stories about the artists who created the music performed during the show and the circumstances behind their compositions: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi and Wagner, but also Elvis Presley, Amy Winehouse, Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles, Madonna, Elton John, Katy Perry and Coldplay.
There’s no doubt about it: it’s a hot summer night and LOVE LOVE LOVE is inviting you to fall in love.
A production by Pepitos Brothers Producciones S.L.
Original idea: Pepitos Brothers
Director: Jose Corbacho
Screenplay: Gemma Sanz, Ramon Gener and Jose Corbacho
MCs: Ramon Gener and Jose Corbacho
Conductor: Rubén Gimeno
Musical direction: Marcelo Frajmowicz
Executive producer: Pep Espada
Love Rock Band:
Singers: Sara Pi, Tonia Richardson and Sebastián Ramírez
Musicians: Eloi López, Josep Buch, Gustavo Fantino, Adrián Ghiardo, Marcelo Frajmowicz
Sound: Daniel Ramos
Lights: Oriol Calabuig
Monitors: Robert Dulsat
10th of August
1 hour and 50 minutes
Accessibility type
Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque
Place of employment information:
- Metro: Ventura Rodríguez (línea 3), San Bernardo (líneas 2 y 4), Noviciado (línea 2), Plaza de España (líneas 3 y 10).
- Bus: 002, 001, 1, 133, 138, 2, 44, C1, 74m C2, 21, C03.
- Bicimad: Estación 13 (calle Conde Duque, 22).
Open this map:
Place of employment information:
- Metro: Ventura Rodríguez (línea 3), San Bernardo (líneas 2 y 4), Noviciado (línea 2), Plaza de España (líneas 3 y 10).
- Bus: 002, 001, 1, 133, 138, 2, 44, C1, 74m C2, 21, C03.
- Bicimad: Estación 13 (calle Conde Duque, 22).

Distrito Centro