Conference: Gêmu visual culture and Japanese video games

Marçal Mora Cantallops y Víctor Navarro Remesal



26th of July


2 hours

For the general public


Conference: Gêmu visual culture and Japanese video games

The conference will consist of a narrative tour and explanation of the content of the exhibition, as well as a full contextualisation of the exhibition as a whole. Afterwards, there will be a question and answer session, followed by a guided tour of the exhibition for those interested.

Marçal Mora Cantallops is an Industrial and Computer Engineer (UPC) and PhD (UAH). Keen on video games ever since he was given his first NES when he was five, he combines his current career as a teacher and researcher in the field of computer studies with his interest in Game Studies and the popularisation of the history of video games and machines. He has published numerous influential articles and posts on the subject, as well as books and chapters for other books. He is a founding member of DiGRA Spain. Particularly interested in the history of video games in Spain, he is also a collector and has collaborated on several exhibitions, such as “Gameplay: The Culture of Video Games” at the CCCB.

Víctor Navarro Remesal has a PhD in Communication (URV), specialising in Game Studies. He has also completed a course on East Asian Studies (UOC). He teaches History and Industry of Video Games and Interactive Scriptwriting at the Tecnocampus, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is a founding member and president of DiGRA Spain, director of the Shangrila publishing house’s Ludografías collection, and curator of the Madrid Japan Foundation’s Gêmu series. His research work focuses primarily on slow games, gêmu, Japanese video games and conservation.




26th of July


2 hours

For the general public


Accessibility type

Espacio Cultural Serrería Belga


Place of employment information:


  • Metro: Estación del Arte (línea 1).
  • Bus: 6, 10, 14, 19, 26, 27, 32, 34, 37, 45
  • Cercanías Renfe: Atocha (líneas C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, y C10).
  • Bicimad: Estaciones 67 (calle Almadén 28), 27 (calle Jesús, 1), 68 (calle Espalter, 1).

Distrito Centro